The properties of almond milk
One of the most important characteristics of almond milk concerns the absence of gluten, lactose and cholesterol.
Almond milk is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and delay the aging process. It is a source of vitamins A, D, E, proteins, Omega 6, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.
It has some properties of soy milk, but the calorie content is much lower. In fact, we can see that a cup of whole cow's milk has 140 calories, one of soy milk has 80, while one of almond milk has 40 calories. Without added sugar, one cup of almond milk contains 30 calories and is high in natural soluble and insoluble fiber. In this way, it protects the walls of the intestine, favoring its proper functioning, regulating the absorption of sugars and controlling cholesterol levels. Almond milk is the most nutritious and complete alternative to cow's milk that can be found.

8 reasons why almond milk is good for your health
Many people benefit from including almond milk in their daily diet for:
- Lose weight
- Regulate cholesterol levels
- Treating gastritis
Here are the 8 reasons why almond milk is good for your health:
The low calorie content of almond milk makes it an ideal food for all those who want to lose weight. Replacing cow's milk with almond milk can give very satisfactory weight loss results. It is very easy to get used to this food because it has a consistency and organoleptic properties similar to those of cow's milk.
The consumption of almond milk is of great help in combating cholesterol and triglycerides. Improves good cholesterol (HDL) levels and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Compared to olive oil, it reduces cholesterol levels by two times and helps strengthen the heart.
Promotes the absorption of sugars and fats in the intestine
It is easy to digest and is recommended for those who are lactose intolerant
It is recommended in case of diarrhea and vomiting. Almond milk has a high potassium content, so it is of great help in recovering the mineral lost due to disease.
The fiber in almond milk protects the intestinal wall.
It regulates the body's functions, proving to be very useful for those suffering from gastrointestinal problems or gastritis
Helps strengthen nails and hair, as well as hydrate the skin thanks to Vitamin B2